At the Book Club Meeting by Lori Cramer Heidi doesn’t know any of the women here, except for Janis, the hostess, who invited her last Wednesday afternoon while they were chatting at their kids’ bus stop. Heidi’s no reader. She just wanted an excuse to see the interior of Janis’s house. And
This Poem Does Not Contain Peanuts It has not been manufactured on equipment used to process peanuts and should be considered peanut-free.
Security Question The answer you entered is incorrect. Please try again. You have four attempts remaining.
Grown adult Bill Murray purchased a box of Jojo Siwa Strawberry Bop cereal because How ingestion begets excretion.
Picked Up Shirley Bassey Hitchhiking Title from Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode Manos: The Hands of Fate.
The Myth of Trash Pandas The first time Daisy and I did cocaine was our sophomore year of high school.
What To Expect At The End Of Your Cat’s Life [H]is pupils wildly dilating and contracting as you call his name over and over, telling him he is a good boy.
The Bionic Teen In a prophetic vision he’d witnessed a white-winged angel place a golden crown on my head
Leon Lett and the Poetics of Chaos: A Failed Essay on Failure Chaos generally means a state of utter confusion or disorder.
From Merrily We Go A-Wrong: My Philosophical Laundryman The joke’s not funny if I have to explain it to you.
The Alexander Singers & Players present Shmiddler on the Roof A Shakespearean rendering of Sholem Aleichem’s classic
Mick Foley Falls Through an Announcers Table While I Fall Asleep He didn’t really capture the hearts and minds of many in terms of his physical prowess.
The hinge on the garlic press is loose by Pam Makin making its plate wobble in its perforated bowl as I squeeze, pushing pungent plumpness through forty-seven holes, slivers escape up the sides, out over the top where they will not be crushed or pressed into service for the sake of my need for flavoured carbs. The pepper
Wedding Spoon Until then we’d used my bachelor utensils, a lightweight set inherited from a former roommate, provenance unknown.
The Almost Never-Ending Villanelle A contoured Villanelle using “How to Do Nothing” by Melanie Weldon-Soiset
Hedy Lamarr Villanelle With A Recurring Line From Palm Royale A forgotten woman paved the way for Bluetooth calls.
Gavin Garza Will Have His Revenge On Fresno The fires that swallow up the silent mountains are yours The floods that drown the deserts and the valleys are yours — Lingua Ignota
I AM LOSING MY FUCKING MIND OVER HOW LITTLE I MATTER IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS. sometimes I think I could live in these empty boxes, curl up, close the tab on the whole world,
Our Grill Dad, Who Art in Barbecue Heaven Scholars have uncovered shocking new evidence of a gross mistranslation of ancient texts which could shake the very foundations of religion worldwide.
Circle Circle Dot Dot Nothing by itself looked wrong, but when she looked at it all together it just didn’t look right.
Ostkreuz If the passengers were to speak with their tongues, who knew what kind of indecencies would emerge?
Theories about the Gun Buried in a Shoebox at the Back of Your Son’s Closet by Beth Sherman 1. It was given to him by your ex-husband because he’s a kid who’s lost interest in video games, school, sports, and anything that does not involve sitting in his room alone for hours at a time. 2. It’s been passed down from your
updated bio.docx (Or, Another Possible Explanation For What My Problem Is) Nisha is so aware that her life and everything in it is absurd.
i had a dream last night that Stone Cold Steve Austin was helping me rearrange furniture and i kept calling him Stone instead of his actual name but he was fine with it and i’m so thankful he’s here with me
YuleKing ...several pallets of long-burn firewood: her lifeblood, delivered faithfully to her doorstep atop a stinking mountain...
love letter to the moon or maybe my adderall prescription or maybe something else entirely it’s so hard to care for something as a hobby.
Phone Calls We circle Scott Lake three times a day, starting at the edge and working inward and dumb Jesse duct taped the radio button so it only plays one station, 101.5 FM CLASSIC.
Waiting For The Dealer Twenty years ago, I was a young boy who imagined himself to be a future rock star.
bitch He told himself that he was disgusted by his behavior and couldn't believe that he was able to stoop so low.
Eduardo I don’t even know how Eduardo got the bottle rocket he shot himself with— you have to cross the state border to buy fireworks ‘cause they’re illegal in the city.
Whisper It took Michelangelo three years to sculpt David. It took Miss Livity one year to create a monster.
The Would-Be Thief Pauses to Read About Homer’s Iliad I hear the Famous Poet scoffs at the idea of an after-life that caresses us, preferring to believe in the remote Disneyland of the dead though even he must know that wherever the dead live, they’re not resting in peace.
Night Librarian in the Lower Stacks Kenny asks me to retrieve books from the lower stacks and it dawns on me that he’s scared, he’s really scared.
The Power of Love She pressed the trigger on the reacquired mace and yelled FUCKERS! YOU FUCKERS! YOU FUCKERS! through squinty eyes and indiscriminate aim.
The Name Of The Buyer Was Not Disclosed The representative from the auction house made him feel stupid for thinking it would appear at his compound intact, as it first had walked this land some eighty million years ago.
He, Clarius ... as if tired, falls to the floor and Clarius turns to face the noise, but not his entire body, Clarius is not, like the other patrons...
Tell Me That One Again She's told me this one enough that I get a 25% contact high just hearing it again.
Thank God You were mostly next door, glaring at the mass of nondescript sports-club-people, perched high above their matching neon t-shirts in your glue-studded platforms.
Light Switch And I just say, “Do it.” It comes out of me like it’s not even me, and now I’m terrified.
national bohemian, renegade poet laureate of baltimore city who else can trace the cracks in every midtown dive
Work Crush I wonder / do you think about that moment / in every meeting now / or did you feel none of it
Another Wave I want to replace my windshield wipers / for real this time. Want a tiara for my trouble.
An Update to Your Order i'm so / gone for you still. so gone baby / but your 2 hashbrowns and / side of horseradish aren't.
Boy Crazy: The Reboot where I do eyeliner, tall on wheels / eat hot pretzel, roll out to hold your / hot hand, hardwoods trembling our legs
Santa I grabbed a cigarette with sweaty fingers and took my first drag in five years, eleven months and twelve days.
It Could Happen at Any Moment No, I persist. I’ve never heard of him, I say, while looking for an exit.
Has This Ever Happened to You? You agree to let them go Turbo Team on the couches, because how else are they expected to expel this excess energy?
Fee Fee’s Curse “You are a troublesome white child who deserves a little fright to show you your place.”
How to Travel to a Parallel Universe People are kind to each other, more patient, no one honks in frustration, even in the most suffocating traffic.
The Guest Room He fell silent, still frowning. I had the feeling he was having second thoughts as to whether I was worthy of his precious gift of disclosure.
I am Digging a Hole and I Cannot Stop Digging I asked them for the hundredth time why they have to go looking anyway.
Divorce-o-rama: Divorce as a Dark Ride You smile and feel hopeful and don’t mind the empty heads, and you imagine your own children and husband fondly.
I'm Only Doxxing You Because I Care He has made an apartment where the ceiling / and wall meld like oceans.
I Went to Disney World and All I Got Was This Identity Crisis They were all still out there. Working. Moving. Climbing. And, while it was still too fresh for me to envy them to any great extent, it wasn’t too soon to start feeling like an outcast.
Hot Streak Like you, I’ve read studies—well, summaries of studies—about how inaccurate recall is when forced upon intense or traumatic events.
Growing Up With a Low Rent Robin Williams Between his slurs and stumbles, he was his own worst secret-keeper, a walking confession before he even hit the living room.
Maps As record-keeping, and as way of making your life a little more organized, and as a kind of diary, and as way of seeing and learning your new town even more.
The Egg Essay I move even closer to the window while I watch this husband and wife, this mom and dad, hide eggs all over the yard.
The Jeff and Jenny Trilogy I remember being told to go inside, to stay inside, and feeling a firm social pressure to pretend I couldn't hear the little pop from the .22 that meant another cat, half bald from mange, was dead.
Afterlife She slots 50 dollars into the charity jar behind the cash register and silently bids her thanks for the alimony.
Poem for Our Friends Who Moved Away Is this the last time we’re all at the beach? Better not to know.
Hallowed The only thing he ever really did wrong was not be in love with me, and as fucked up as I was, I could never truly fault him for it.
Fear and Loathing Below the Mason-Dixon Politics in The South is just an over-complicated suicide pact.
Are Any of Us Even Learning? Rumor has it that some kid at second-lunch just set a fire in the bathroom.
You May Be Entitled Call Bird & Frank TODAY at 1-800-BNF-4YOU for a free consultation and get back the dominance you deserve!
Anticipatory Grief But flickers forward six months and you bury your father with a round, protruding belly.
Threes a crowd I didn’t utter the words “I love you” again in a romantic context for more than two years...
Chump Change He means my Ralph Lauren Polo, of which I have four, and my mother bought it for me last Christmas. I wore it tonight because it’s the tightest shirt I own. I tell him my pimp bought it. He can’t tell if I’m joking.
Holding Hands For A Corporate Team-Building Exercise With Someone I’ve Never Spoken To Before after Mekeila
Does Your Birth Order Effect Your Personality? For those who question my credentials, I am, in fact, one of those maddening middle children.
Narcissus at the Water Dish The eternity of that day slipped past me, like every other, and I ticked out the moments with the patience that only comes to one long accustomed to waiting.
My City Beats Your City Every Day Gary’s a city, too, and all due respect to the city of Gary and its residents, but Gary thanks God for my city.
Something Walking Miraculous A hundred rows of variously shaped rabbits and birds in cages. Some have purple mohawks and curled talons.
Your Freedom, an Attempt There was one issue, and it was that you were completely normal. So Levi Hampton had to improvise.
Snakes and Stars They approached from opposite ends trying to find the best entrance into the labyrinth of holes and passages. They nodded to each other, and both stuck their poles in to the rock pile from separate ends. They were immediately greeted by the insidious hiss of a rattlesnake.
Thirty Minutes, Tops Oh, I know what you’re up to. I might not know all the “unfinished business” rules (not that your lot ever bothered to tell anybody, lazy sods) but I’m in charge of my business and I’m saying that I’m not done. I shan’t be intimidated. That hag needs to be taught a lesson and that lesson is me.
Walt, “One touch of your hand to mine O boy” — “Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night,” Walt Whitman
Hairy Mammalian Creatures Everyone looked super comfortable in their clothes, super relaxed. By contrast, I felt like every stitch of my outfit was slightly off, everything about me rendered in minor key.
Generational Addictions where images of naked / women lying enjoyment stick / like coagulants in blood
Crutches After Nikki Giovanni - “Emotional falls always are/the worst/and there are no crutches/to swing back on”
Reading My Living Room Floor Like Tea Leaves I’ll have to get down on my hands and knees to pick up / the multitudinous pieces...
Little Nothings Inside The gate was a custom job. Two pieces, meeting at the middle, with the guys’ wife’s initials in scrollwork on either side. It took my brother weeks to make them.
Prayer for Transgender Summers Oh Lord, July days are just like February now, / And the despair is endless -
The Violet Ladder to Heaven I read the whole Bible after she dumped me: Old and New Testament. Why the Bible? It’s probably not most people’s first choice of break-up read. But she’d been going on a lot about God and angels lately, so it felt kind of like scrolling through her new boyfriend’s Instagram.
The Universe Shrinks to the Size of a Pinhead Eight Minutes Before the Opening Bell in the Faculty Break Room I have a daughter. I have two children older than you.
After We Watch The Girl, There are Birds and Bones Flying Everywhere When Supervising Middle Schoolers at Lunchtime Pigeon is dead.
Our Generous Benefits Include Mental Health Interventions I took one step to the right, but she took one step to the left, her left, my right, and there we were again, and we laughed a little, yes we did, a little quiet laugh: how silly are we.
BREAKING: one man dead from Bikini Kill crowd, no one cares if i remove both ankles, then i have no weakness.
Much Obliged On Tuesday I had to drag the garbage can back to its little pen myself, but the trick repeated itself that Friday, my not being able to break away from my keyboard until after one, when I’d finished my list of recommended Roto-league pick-ups for the following week (Buy: Juan Soto. No shit.)
The Night I Met Reincarnated Andy Warhol at Bonnie’s Bar & Grill in Fairview Park, Ohio Weirdly, he skipped the soup
Friday Supper [A]ll it takes is a moment to go south when my twin sister Darla brings home Furlong Dong...
HEAVEN’S BEST AND FINEST NOTES APP POETRY Truth be told, I’m a liar. That’s a lie. Or a truth. I don’t know.
So Why Do You Want to Be A Writer Your characters, they just kind of drift around. The world has no greater meaning for them. They just experience the mundane level of everyday activities. Something happens. Then something else happens. Then it’s over. The End.
you dont wanna know where i found this song so when my buddy comes in he just about knocks the door off its hinges—i know because i saw the hinges crying about it later—and he says to me that i gotta go set up the record player for a forty-five.
Eight-Year-Old Self Writes A Story Good stories should have the things you like in them: the glittery, jewel-toned things otherwise unattainable.
A Hand In The Clouds Arthur worked this job. It was a job that he didn’t understand. It was a job that nobody understood. It was a job that required him to drive to these towns and villages and neighborhoods and look at the trees.
For Erica, Who Makes the Flowers Grow We were young when we all met, intrepid seven year olds evicted from air-conditioned houses by distracted parents, left to fend for ourselves in the sunbaked streets of suburbia.
Jason Jason squats at the edge of the roof, his hands clasped in his lap, his feet the only parts of his body touching anything solid.
That Sinking Feeling The catering business didn’t afford me an extravagant stay in a sunken utopia. I wouldn’t stop in Atlantis. I’d have to sink much deeper.
Acoustic Cover We started the band when we first heard Dan play an acoustic cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit, and he played so good, I almost cried, the same punk vibe, but less noise, less drama.
Reference Call I step out of my office into the dirty-white hallway beneath the coffin lid of fluorescent lights to take the call.
MY REFLECTION HAS BEEN TRICKY LATELY (After X by Davey Davis) CW: anti-trans violence, suicide, disordered eating, and medical cissexism
Leviathan Narrowing my eyes in the direction of elsewhere, I said: “It’s quite grim, this worldview of yours.”
Highly premenstrual thoughtpennies I’m pretty sure the whole human race is choking on me like a fishbone.
A Portrait of Steve-O's Steve-O Tattoo as the Picture of Dorian Gray The more I stare at his image on the TV screen, the less he looks like a forty-eight-year-old.
trans girl stuff playlist, 3.7k likes, "so not all of it is trans femme but it's a playlist i listen to when i'm dysphoric" A Music Collage
Hold On I'm always a minute too late to the punchline, the food is always cold when he gets to the table, his height changes the minute I etch it into the persimmon tree.
The Standard of Care The germ of my idea spawned last Christmas when our Aunt Muriel, who lived in Florida and looked like a rotisserie chicken, gave my brother a set of marbles.
True Scale Then: a star—someone else’s sun—crashes through the gate of our Oort Cloud and rolls towards us, and it’s just like it was at the planetarium, on that elementary school field trip where I was introduced to the claustrophobia of watching a tiny yellow dot—
Custer's Last Stand Even the bartenders, two burly guys with dark curly hair and mustaches—they look like brothers—seem bored stiff.
Jackman Redux Shirt sleeves straining, tap shoes tapping and a smile so wide it swallows the world. He’s even handsome when hirsute!
A Gen X Story One thing I’ll say about the pandemic, it made people ask this question like it mattered. Or maybe Vega had always been sincere.
drugs might help but so will therapy i imagine my fury as if its mythology. / allow myself ugly. i thrill in the mud.
A Poem With a Painting And A Dead Poet, A Poem With a Hole Sadness aches, hurts at the top of the throb / pulses at the bottom.
On my third beer watching "The Decline of Western Civilization" swords of Damocles hanging over us all
Frost King I don’t know what it was that drove them to lock us up inside—perhaps this had always been the plan.
How To Break Up With A Toxic Loved One: a handy guide to being civilized instead of honest I’m growing as a person, learning a lot about myself and how my past experiences have impacted me. I’m reevaluating what’s worked for me and what hasn’t.
The Ice Pick That is Made of Ice He knows as well as you or I that most ice picks (as these implements are known) have a handle which is made of wood but can also be made from plastic or rubber, and attached to this handle there is usually a pointy steel bar...
after we watched how the grinch stole christmas and you still didn’t bother to text me back i want to break my bones / in snow boots.
when i think of jason bourne i think of christmas After Elizabeth J. Wenger’s “when i think of quentin tarantino i think of revenge”
Sestina Written on the Way Home for Christmas look: i just know / the exact ache in my ribs as Colin Firth eyes his lover across the plains / of France and the pain
Strangers Sexual. Spatial. Temporal. I want to be anywhere, / anytime but this conversation. What did she think then?
Crimes We Commit in the Future Privately, we worried. There’s no way to be sure what we would do, how far we could be pushed. It made us question ourselves, examine what desperation could make us do.
Role Play Game Never did bring that bastard down, / it’s still him against us— / even with three generations of apocalyptic / natives tinkering with the algorithm.
Delayed Gratification Not counting those dissolved in hot chocolate or melted into rice krispie treats, I consume about five marshmallows total a year. Always toasted on a campfire.
You’re Not Alone If You Have Demons Her ex-boyfriend had claimed to be a vampire, and that was about thirty percent believable. He bit a lot, but he also loved the beach, and what kind of vampire likes the fucking beach?
If It's So Easy To Drive Out Snakes, Where's My Sainthood? How lucky are we, you beam at him. A flash of clarity: everything beautiful you see here, you made yourself. He’s just the mirror. All the goodness he shows you is only your own, refracted. Quickly, you chew this thought and swallow it.
Three Root Canals For my third root canal, I came unprepared. No Advil, no beseeching any Gods who seemed unwilling to come to the phone right now. I came in alone, raw, pure of heart, strong of tooth and weak of nerve.
Review: Burden of Joy (by Lexi Kent-Monning) Kent-Monning has the rare gift of transmitting raw, bodily experience to her reader.
Extra Metamorphosis Asher told his first boyfriend he'd discovered a writer named Franz Kafka who'd written a book where a guy wakes up to discover he has been transformed into a large and mostly immobile bug.
The Cobra The things he said were, perhaps, a bit too complex for us at 14. But I can vividly remember the moment I finally understood precisely what he meant.
Such a Tincture Fill my blood with Belladonna and Hearts ease–until there / is nothing left of you. May it slip into my bones as I lay
Violin exposure We don’t say that we regret agreeing to violin, oboe, saxophone lessons. We pretend this is the only place we could possibly want to be.
Rosie and Boris I could write a book on experiences of Rosie’s power, but here I’ll just share a few choice examples, and then I’ll share my favorite experience with her.
Cocksplatt1's Monologue Creator give. Eat, bow. Live, life. Life gah. Creator drown bow neighbour, bow deesh.
Defending the Teenage Love Poem But like any other teenager, the universe was quick to show me the error in my ways. It happened quickly and easily on a night that shocked itself with intracloud lightning.
as in tool & i don’t know that growl is the word for what i want. what i want / is a good poem, but it’s eluding me at the moment. what i want to know is / whether della was a lesbian in the books & why they cast ham the way they did
Tourists You tend to keep up fake appearances before people you love – until, all at once, something strikes and you speak or shout like nobody is there. You might suppose this would be more insolent than anything else.
Tuesday is the New Monday. I must ask you to bear with us while the changes settle into place, I appreciate that this may take some time.
i realized i forgot to say i love you didn’t know i could love you. if / words were meant to elaborate on
My Week of Seven Senses All we humans have “conditions” to bear. Circumstances to survive. Though I’ll grant you, mine may be one of the weirdest.
JOEY vs. THE GOUT KEBAB Joey palmed the glass to kill the neon glare and peered in. Men in white lab coats sliced strips of meat from the rotating elephant’s leg. Customers fumbled with clipboards, using string-bound pencils to complete their paperwork.
Perspective, or a Brilliant Idea for an Award-Winning Piece of Short Fiction Each command+shift keystroke combo provoked a gauntlet of urgent software updates, pinwheeling beachballs, and prompt boxes for long forgotten passwords.
Is it still Dollar Pizza if it’s a Dollar Fifty? On Facebook people are even angrier and it’s more real, because if you’re on Facebook in 2022 you don’t care what people think of you.
Deadlines He couldn’t come up with something to say every time he ran into this guy. People expect too much when they put you on the spot and force you to think of something. It’s not that easy to come up with clever dialogue.
Guess I'm A Paper Nautilus Now This is my chance at freedom. That word is euphoric, I can't help but smile feeling the shapes into which it presses my mouth. That's why today has to be the day.
My doll watched As we slipped off their dresses and dipped them one-by-one into their pool, Barbie stared, unchanged, and I thought of when I first unboxed her, newly four, half a shelf of dolls beside the built-in closet.
The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down I wanted once before to honk my horn against the swastika that he’d drawn on the poster board he got from the Dollar General, but I had the horn’s fuse pulled as a wild experiment in radical pacifism.
Beef Case The future is a vast and scary place, the recording says. Dead ends, dead dreams, destitution. Only if you’ve been pushing yourself hard enough do you have a chance. You have ten minutes of break. Step it up.
It Was Too Soon To Thank God It was like that old saying I had once heard: “Those who are about to die become Gods.”
My Summer of Rubber Dust The Machine didn’t work well, not by a long shot. But, in the end, it worked just enough.
In 2055 the water will be two feet deeper around Manhattan I pay for my tacos. She pays for something she didn’t ask for.
The Tide King After getting fired for colliding with a car turning right, Tyler went to the seediest bar he knew to console himself with filth and grime and terrible beer. He got all this plus some kind words from his tenth-grade health teacher, who was there sipping lagers.
Dreamhouse Hell, it was her idea to bring Signature Ken™ to life in the first place. She wanted a partner. Someone who was as driven as she was, when she realized the market was there for the taking, all these girls with dreams and aspirations, with mothers cheerleading Hell yeah!
trans* (a librarian's definition) truncation is particularly useful when a search term is recognized to have several endings, all of which represent the same or similar ideas.
While Waiting to Clear Customs at BUD International Airport And if you are not resurrected, what then?
Flattening Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve And now, days later, as I field my own self-initiated questions with no ready answers, I make a promise to myself to make my memories matter. To write.
Jesus is in her bedroom The girl wonders, not for the first time, whether she should tell Nonna about Him.
A Monstrous Inadequacy But the brain is not dead. It quivers and thumps as if it contains a beating heart.
Kübler-Ross Knuckle Tattoo Sure we sink into the depression, the low tide surging to riptide and pulling us out and away with the poets. But it has to be deeper than that.
Red Light/Green Light I think I’m straight, but I play rugby, so I must be at least bisexual, right? So…orange?
The Ice Cream Flavor Paradox I know I always feel good in that identity, but what if I want to dress sexier for a night out with friends? Or more formal for an interview? What if I’m just in the mood for something different?
Aubade with frat flu There’s another version of this in which we / wake up in this beautiful light, follow / songbirds to class.
2AM Sonnet About Anne Marie Oomen as God I hold a shovel, ask if this is real, / like essays. She says sure.
Running Against the Wind: Disabled Masculinity and the Vicious Cycle of Sport I’ve been looking at myself in the mirror above the sink.
Get In Losers, We’re Cosplaying as Christine McVie in 1979 All Summer I’m wearing a denim dress and big aviator sunglasses like Christine in one of the Tusk recording sessions outtake videos.
inside you there are two wolves yes, you're supposed to lean back on the glasscold mirror, covering one eye with hydrantorange hair so flatironed and stinking of sulfur.
How I Became the God of Crows It would have been inconsequential if it’d happened to anyone else, except it happened to me, and I don’t lose things.
It Isn’t Going to be a Bedroom Time Machine For Ellie. You will find it. You will, you will, you will.
Arrangements The loss of a parent is one of life’s most unforgiving tricks. But alas, your mother’s higher power has a plan. He gave your mother a lifetime with the most precious gift there is and He removed your mother from this Earth at precisely her destined moment.
Humans Remain I care for the crematorium inside me. The British Museum drains 6,000 carnages Female dancer figure (hula position?) made of wood, pearl-shell, teeth (human?), hair.
19 Ways of Crossing the Street After the Old Guy In the Sedan Jerks to a Last-Minute Stop in the Vons Parking Lot Crosswalk and Motions for You to Pick Up the Pace, Can’t You See He Didn’t Want to Stop For You in the First Place, Lady? Imagining a possible legitimate reason for his impatience
Pigeon wearing meth-filled backpack busted at B.C. prison source:
Crybaby Ferris Sucks Baby kept costing us matches, throwing punches at opponents that missed and caught me right in the mush, tripping and accidentally hitting me with his big splash, that kind of stuff.
Theatrics I rip my mask off. Distressed, you might call my expression, if you weren’t so fucking focused on checking your goddamn phone, I am having a moment here. A figure joins me on stage. It’s just me with a megaphone, I didn’t really have time to hire someone new.
He’s Afraid of all the Happiness He shrieks that I’m hiding fun from him because I know where he is and I won’t pretend otherwise, and groans to himself he needs to do a better job hiding—he’s so bad at it.
Dorothy Parker at the Algonquin Suitors stare across the bar, singing sonnets with their eyes, as if praying for one last deadly line.
Back to Motherland, That’s Some Otherland Let’s go back to once upon a time. Before the clarity, before the connection, before the sukoon. Let me start with the disparity of hope and despair, the heartbreak and the trauma.
The Red Ring We listened to the words of that stout man, feeling lost with context of time and space.
to avoid responsibility, i blame my father for everything instead, i wander through / these desolate streets / broken homes with broken sinks / in search of someone
Hestia is Sick of Your Shit And it’s not that she would mind except for the fact that she’s a goddess, and that heat—which she had so lovingly doted on, coaxing it from the cold stone hearth for thousands of years—doesn’t seem to be enough these days.
Bad Habitus Dad had developed a taste for tobacco by the time he was 14. It would be a stolid companion throughout his life. As a child, I thought his ability to hold entire conversations with a lit roll-up in his mouth was a kind of superpower.
(IF IT'S NOT LOVE) THE BOMB WILL BRING US TOGETHER I knew I should have said something then, something to the effect of: I’m sorry. He had not wanted to go to the party, let alone watch the game. Earlier that day lying in bed he had listed reasons why it was a bad idea...
Small Town as The Palimpsest That I Keep Trying to Reset Back to Original Childhood Happiness Would we have been friends in a different town? / This town is all I have of you now.
Tucker Leighty-Phillips Discusses "Maybe This is What I Deserve" TLP: Even when you’re critiquing something, you have to have an element of hope. A yearning for something better being out there, and possible.
Ten Reasons She falls in and out of sleep, flips between episodes of dreams. Her mother’s screaming from inside a flooded urn, “Let me out of here!” Kitty’s playing Toss the Onion Ring, Mona’s mouth as target.
6075 W. Fulton St And when I got home I remembered that the door was unlocked not politically but because the lock had been broken since my tenure there had started. Just like the oven and microwave.
The Horrible Initiative Beside the board stands a young man, presumably Mr. P P-G. On his smooth face, a series of feel-your-pain frowns and so-encouraging smiles alternate as appropriate.
post-utero instructions After “Out utero” recorded by Manuel Guerrero and hosted by Cities and Memory
Why My Dissertation is Late I tried copying someone else’s dissertation, just to feel the keys moving under my fingertips...I also watched 19 Hamlet movies for inspiration (see YouTube links), but all I learned is that Kenneth Branagh looks weird with a mustache.
Postcolonial Takeout Discourse Exhibit A: the deep-fried Twinkie. / Ex. B: the deep-fried pizza. Novelties / that you might have at the fair once / a year.
Beekeeping Age Spite has gotten me further in life than / anything else. Is that not a type of / happiness? I live a happier life once I've / had revenge.
The Couple in 5F It is nice to know my neighbors though, even just a little bit. Knowing your neighbors, even just a little bit, makes NYC apartment living less like living in a big empty box with whispers of occupancy and more like living in a place teeming brimming spinning simmering with people.
Accumulations I'm gonna get this bad boy stuffed and hung above my toilet so he can forever look down into water. Just the way God intended.
kylie jenner / gun baby poem the rich woman in my head gets to be appalled at these things and with baby-like curiosity she feels the chill of the steering wheel under her hands. i’ve been thinking as well about giving birth to an assault rifle or rather i’ve been thinking it’s too on the nose.
The Feeding of Strays And now they are gone. No more 3 AM meowing, no more silly old ladies and their stinking food going pstpsptpstp any more.
Becoming Linda Ties that Linda’s beauty hid well. Locked away tight in the pit of her perfectly flat stomach. Eyes set like topaz jewels masking the truth. No one with skin like bronze had troubles. No, not Linda.
Ask me about my Twins We wanted a nice garden. There were schools to think about – our oldest would be starting the next year, and the baby would be going to nursery soon – she was a toddler by then but would still be called baby for some time yet.
liar, liar Once we’ve locked ourselves into the hallway bathroom—which is ridiculously nice for a frat house, what the hell—I take one look at the group and decide that our only solution is to lie our way out.
Please Now Submit an Author Photo, .JPG Preferred There’s no one here to take an unguarded photo of me biting on a hangnail while staring at the screen working out a better word for ‘broken.’
Wikipedia Speed Runs Instructions: Find a path from the beginning article to the ending article using only article links.
Only the Good (Guinea Pigs) Die Young That gruesome adolescent heartbreak you go through again and again and again and then evolves into real heartbreak, the kind you can’t just shrug off as kid feelings. It starts here.
Seven It's that country near the bottom of the Earth, the one that only comes up in the news when we owe someone else billions or when people find out our president's son is a drag queen which is genuinely one of our greatest and only sources of pride.
when the house is quiet, when your mind wanders, when your mind whispers loved not be loved not be loved
How to Grow a Nice Girl / On Nursery Rhymes, Suffrage, Spice, and Everything (Not) Nice / That’s What Memory is Made Of “Why can’t a nice-looking girl like you act nice,” the principal asked.
Catching Smoke A couple of cards, a 4 and a King, lay on the green felt in front of you. You clutch a cup of coffee with your left hand. There’s a stack of casino chips in your right. You're shuffling the chips over and over.
A Poetry Found in the Chest of A Dead Soldier If I keep your poetry, / And I'm killed, / Will I be buried with it?
Questions after you said I died a million times in you Who sings honeyed dirges for the dead while their warm hands make love with someone else’s warm hands?
In it Sorrow a monotonous tune, like the weeping of this lonesome cunt. I cry because I am two hours behind his time zone always, and maybe that means I am also two hours behind grieving us always.
Litterbug Sea otters shivering, succumbing to the cold without the properties of their insulating fur, lifeless paws slipping from each other’s grasp. Dolphins scattered, bursting like smooth grey fireworks away from the foul stench that permeated the water.
Call It What It Is at fifteen the intake nurse clacked her nails until / social phobia, ED-NOS appeared beside diagnosis
Maybe a Butterfly Will Sit on Us But every day we also hoped something would change, that our Mortuary House would have dainty laced curtains and a round table in the center draped in white table cloth.
Draft 1/Draft 5 I write creative nonfiction, and that means that I lay in your arms and think about how I would describe it, our bodies next to each other in the dark while it storms outside, how I ask you to leave the fan off so we can hear it.
Exposition I survived a knife between my ribs, / strings cutting into sponge-berry flesh, / blooming rose wound around my wrists.
How to Clean Filters: An instruction manual You heard it’s best to step away from it for a while. You decide to let the story rest for a few days/weeks/months. It sounds like you deserve a break, anyway; you watch as your computer switches off.
A response to, in conversation with, with regards to, The Entire [REDACTEDRED] of [REDAC TE DRE DACTE] Long spidery clockwork orange lashes and you hate to be shushed like that by your mum or other grown-ups or anyone. And you will still not know what sex is for years, years after you did it even.
to the ends of the earth i will take your hand. / smooth my thumb over the callouses / liver-spotted, amber nails cracked from worried teeth
My Life Has a Purpose, My Life Has a Plan Now he’s LA and airplanes and travels a lot. In high school Dane was “I don’t want anyone to know we’re related if you talk about church stuff” and “you can’t say that here.”
Dinner for One: An Internal Monologue I cannot fathom sitting alone in a restaurant with a horde of costumed men breathing down my neck, pitying the lone eater, wondering how fast I will empty the table for a group of noisy jobless rich brats who would order five times more and tip a little too generously.
It Girl Corpse: Or, I Cut up the National Enquirer and Turned It Into Shitty Poetry Love At First Like / FIND TRUE LOVE / talk about sex
Today, We Are Making Gazpacho There is almost no reason to make gazpacho at any other time of the year. Try to make this with winter grocery store tomatoes and it’ll be like drinking a Michelob Ultra instead of an actual beer.
The Dog Days of Living Just before midnight, my cousin, her owner, is asleep at a hotel in Florida that does not allow dogs, but is so luxurious that she would leave Holly in New Jersey under the care of a 21 year old.
A Thief in the Caucasus Prometheus hadn’t seen a son so close in eons. He spoke words from Armenia, a tongue which demanded much from the throat.
Spineless I swam. I dove under, let go of the float and remembered my body. I’ve been obsessed with invertebrates and wanted to be spineless. I came back to the surface and swam to the concrete retaining wall at the edge of the lake to pull myself out of the water.
Support Group for Miracle Survivors There were sympathetic yawns; everyone had heard all this before.
Surviving the Forest Perhaps it is my subconscious telling me to die in the pines and the snow, better than to die alone in the root cellar, where tossed-out tools are ornaments that shine and sing.
Have You Ever Been Asked To Leave An Airport Chili’s? Tell me where to go, what to do / when I get there. Just bring me / best practice, nothing that will blur
I'm Sorry We're Getting Married I love you, Harry. And I’m excited that we can be married for most of our lives. What does that mean, though, when we can already love each other for most of our lives whether the government is involved or not.
Show Me the S on Your Chest when every night terror wakes / and feeds on the ice / unchecked in your veins
Did Being Neurodivergent Mean I Hated Boybands and Mondays? ‘I’m a freak, I'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here, I don’t belong here’ -Creep, Radiohead 1992
Film School Planet The phantom trapped inside appeared before the critic on his couch and offered him the customary three wishes.
Richard Zenith I’d stolen it accidentally when I lived across from LA City College from in front of an ostentatious antiques store two blocks from my studio, a dingy shop I supposed was in foreclosure but was actually holding an outdoor sale.
The Sara Chain Letter A bunch of text, on a forum post or in an email, telling the reader they had four minutes to send the letter to ten people or else they would drop dead in a week. And other multitudinous variations.
Casualties of War For the rest of his life, he’ll tell people this was the first Super Bowl he remembers.
Broken Bricks A red brick wall, the ground along it lined / with chips of brick; how came they in those piles?
piece by piece we shut it down but I have not forgotten. I have no idea how / I should be taking those words now,
Clicky-Thing: a modern review of the Carhartt Relaxed Fit Washed Duck Sherpa-Lined Utility Jacket with a 2 Warmer Rating Anyway, I decided that this was the year I’d get a proper winter jacket again.
Blood The dog knows to curl up behind a chair or slip under the bed. But the man and the bag fill the space between the dog and chair.
I WANT TO KNOW THE CHICKEN’S NAME I also want to ask if it knows / what a road is. If it ever actually / knows where it’s going. Or why
8 Ways to Get Out of Debt Fast The trick is to pick articles that are destined for spammy blogs. They don’t care about quality and they usually come with a list of keywords that need to be stuffed into 250 words of content.
We read to know we are not alone, But I told this car full of friends this truth I’d never even spoken to myself.
It Started with a Feeling, and Now My Boyfriend and I are Sitting in a Clinic for a Pre-Conception Consultation, and I Can’t Stop Worrying About My Unknown Future The doctor says I won’t have many changes since I’ve been on hormones for so long, but still—
The Jewel on Main It wasn't your liver, though we had bets whose was worse. The odds always in favour that you’d never go first. It wasn't your heart though it's been broken many times. And it wasn’t your sugar from drinking outside the lines.
Hungry Ghosts This year a group of teenagers has joined in the occasion, a mix of locals and foreigners. They parade amongst the younger children wearing lurid rubber masks: lolling tongues and murderous grins.
An Eighty-Year Joke And there's so little time to / even consider it with all of the / living we need to take care of.
Afterparty I just wanted to tell you that the kind stranger who held my hair back at the end of the night got quite a mouthful about how lovely I think you are.
Hometown Tour And in the daydream, he smiles, he smiles big and a lot, he's happy, I can't believe how happy, over such small things, and he says, that's cool, oh that's cool too, oh that's so cool...
When Meteorologists are Seers Every Cloud is an Omen I think it's more likely I'll scoop up stones & save them in my shoes
Sunset Point She climbed onto the back of one, shouting something about becoming a “spring break legend.”
Operating Instructions the honesty of that gives me / a peach pit in my stomach / a teardrop in / my throat
There's Nazis In Them There Fredonian Hills The first thing that Selma saw in her Art and Architecture classroom was a shakily drawn peace sign on the blackboard. “Peace for Fredonia,” it read, just as shakily, underneath.
MILES SHOWED ME HIS TRUMPET Miles Davis lived around the block from me / deep in the upper west side of Manhattan island.
Sweet Paradise I’ve never felt so emotionally close to an ice-cream. This remarkable feat from a loaded cone demanded my respect. Reaching out, my finger touched the melting solution that had crossed its great divide.
Meet & Greet with Zaphod Beeblebrox seven galaxies over —they are interstellar / radio savvy, in the very least. And yeah, / they’ve been in contact for about two years,
Travel Tip #3: Antarctica & Growth Not just a memory, but / an invisible & teeming / with life magnetic field,
Eye See You When the mailman came pedaling by on his 3-wheel cargo bike, Wilhelmina poked her head out of the dormer window, and in her cheeriest sing-song voice issued a hellooo-oo. When he looked up, she gave the queen’s wave.
Dad's Toe Later, while I’m telling Jamie the story of how Dad chopped his toe off, I get two texts from Dad’s phone. The first one is an overexposed close-up of a pearl white bone surrounded by what looks like gray and white chicken flesh. The second text says: “This is my toe.”
Paper, Plastic, and Glue Her parents discussed it. Cried. Discussed it again. Her mother said she’d like to read Jennifer at least once.
Cry-baby Have you ever held Death’s hand? I have. I have pulled it to my cheek and told it to slap. Stupid girl, brilliant bones. Feel it. Feel it!
Family Anatomy “I always knew my son was too good for public school,” his mother would say at the dinner table. “He doesn’t need to squabble with the riffraff in California."
What if We Kiss in the North Brooklyn Industrial Business Zone? We were trying to make our way back / To the subway before sunset.
When Peanut Butter is On the Line: A Study of Genetically Mutated Hamsters, Territoriality, and Bloodshed Inspired by research conducted by the Georgia State University Neuroscience Institute
Taylor Swift Releases ‘Midnights (3am Edition)’ or, My Friend and I Watch *That* Episode of BoJack Horseman I was dancing around to Fearless and / Glee when eyes were set on me. At nineteen,
Gothic Pixie Bipolar Bitch I lounge over these Victorian banisters while old family / secrets burst through every hinge in the house.
OVERTURE: SOMEWHERE IN NEW JERSEY, 2009. IT’S A WEEKNIGHT IN AUGUST. Your arms are sloppy around his veiny orange neck. They say the juice heads do it best, but he wouldn’t even pay for your funnel cake...
A Total Schenectady of the Heart. My transparent invitations via pop songs shouted hoarse/ summarized my status as an ill-tuxedoed groom
Shaun or Sean or Shawn says you're a great friend, 2006 sunken as a memory in the ember sunset / in that small place subliminal space in your head
Elephant Sinking Into a Mud Pit And for two more days the rescuers try to drag out / the grey giant with ropes — to no avail.
An Afternoon Wedding The wedding planner skirts around him, out of the radius of his thrashing. She doesn’t have time to fight his hands away and explain that she’s not his bride.
Accident, Maryland Here old ladies brush their teeth with Desitin. Men step on the toes of priests. Strangers elbow strangers, their arms swinging back-and-forth like bells in a grandfather clock.
Shedding The gentleman in the chair stood up, paid, and breezed by Avery on his way out. They shook their hair off their face and made their first eye contact with the barber.
Sucking Candy Demise The man, not yet having nothing left to live for, agrees that the next such sucking candy he consumes will be the last;
The Revolution “Cut it out. You and I both know you don’t have a revolutionary bone in your body, not to mention the fact that, as a lover, your lack of creativity is matched only by your lack of ambition.”
"Every little boy needs a dog," barks your mother That's odd, too. Your parents don't go out in winter. You pick up whatever they need.
Shopping malls and parking lots and all the places I knew I liked girls The first time I was misgendered was at a Taco Bell in Crossgates Mall in upstate New York. Or rather, this is the first time I specifically remember being misgendered.
███come to earth ██████████ An erasure from “Welcome to Earth” by Sturgill Simpson (A Sailors Guide to Earth)
Brace ███ ██████ (████ A Little) An erasure from “Brace For Impact (Live A Little)” by Sturgill Simpson (A Sailors Guide to Earth)
The Motor Oil (In Bloom) A découpé poem after Sturgill Simpson’s A Sailor’s Guide to the Earth (2016)
Give Me an Opinion *i wasn’t sure how to form / an opinion, so i decided to / watch some YouTube videos / to see if they could show me how.
Dialogues with a Stray Cat incidentally, I wonder if any animal could actually take residence on my patio once my sister sends her furniture over.
Miranda Cosgrove (and Carly Shay) You’re a little more into iCarly than your peers, for a lot longer than them, too. You find yourself in the iCarly fandom, reblogging posts at a rate that loses you followers.
Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III You recite his lyrics like they are a prayer, like it’s not a coincidence FOB has the same amount of letters as GOD.
Smoke When I was a kid, one of my special interests was Old Hollywood. This was my parents’ fault for allowing me exposure to the genre.
Madmartigan in the Mercedes He was like a man but not quite. He was a fictional character that vanished from my view when I pressed “stop” or “eject.” In this way, he was better than a man.
La Neige The phantoms in the streetlight had returned to their posts. The ghost of her father hung in her mind. The 7/11 was open for snacks.
Public Letter/Hocus Opus Press/RE: Haywire Ray In their rejection letter for my article--Dispatches of Haywire Ray, the biography and reflections of the titular illusionist--the Editor of Hocus Opus Press denounced my work as “a pure work of imagination,”
Fugitives We wait in the car while the engine purrs / and I shiver in my Woody sweater / like it’s raining outside
Lonely Without Friends The father stares down ten-year-old Darien. The boy rises and walks to the corner to wait for the light, then steps into the street and picks up the bottle. He brings the bottle back to his father.
The Relaxed Version of a Man I sip my drink and read a book. The drink is fruity, over sweet, and alcoholic -- I hate drinking in the daytime, but I am on vacation and play the part. The book, it’s okay. If nothing else, it shades the irksome sun from my face.
Balaclava He ignored his customers’ penetrating glares and sly whispers and began stacking cage eggs.
teeth dreaming there are no giants / there are no talking fish / there is no megalodon, / the dream is over.
Mood Killer Droplets of sweat and rain threaded through the front of his hair as he blinked through the white lights in the front of the restaurant towards the large faux-rock counter.
trans culture is hating shirts Trans culture is finding an old t-shirt / from your bottom drawer, / and immediately putting it back / to avoid a weird nostalgic feeling.
The Agenda “For those of you who did arrive on time” he paused shooting Terence a glance, “the meeting today will be hideously punctuated by the untimely death of our colleague Terence. We are expecting the incident about halfway through the meeting, agenda item five.”
When the woman you have a crush on asks you to host a séance, you say yes You’re not sure if you’re sleepy or uncomfortable, if your heart is stopping every few seconds by your hand or hers, there is something rotten about being mortal and even this crush-love—
If Only for a Moment I found myself somewhere between pleasure and fear. Surely that unflinching stare was searching for the very essence of my soul.
What Remains Last Wednesday, there she was, sitting in the corner by the $675 splattered paint on wall by local artist installation when she saw it, approaching from the entrance and using the handicapped button to help it because without muscles it no longer had a strong grip.
Don't You Dare Take My Keys First, take the brown vase / take the one close to it too, the vase with oriental motifs
A Guide to Living and Dying on the Digital Frontier “Remind me again why you’re writing a burn piece about yourself.”
Poem After a Poetry Reading other title ideas included / Fear and Railing in New York / Getting Railed on a Hammock
Punk Poem viva la punk / viva el diablo / somewhere havin a laugh / they say god hates rock n roll / that’s ok because rock n roll hates god
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished The two detectives in front of me looked at each other, as if having a private conversation, and then back at me. The detective on the left, Detective Dowdy, leaned back in his seat and squinted. The disbelief in his eyes is clear.
Leaking At night I can feel my dreams crawl out and inject themselves into your side, I can feel the veins of the pillows pulsing through to each other.
Once Upon a Time in Maryland The times were far from happy, but they were stable and predictable in their badness, and that was almost good, in its own way.
Best in Show, Reserve Champion This is not Apple Strudel’s first showing. She’s been shown from the Milky Way to the Pisco Nebula.
Philosophic Fragments Love is a memory. Love is a memory that’s present, / A memory not resolved, not passing into past,
Desert Meadow All through winter life burnt; all through spring. / Autumn, a spoke on the same wheel, will repeat
Strange Uterus The fire danced, made the shadows quiver. The pile of mail, the letter opener on the cabinet, the single bookshelf: all creeping in at the edges of the darkness.
I’m glad I’m not rich because I’m pretty sure I’d be an asshole you can never be an ocean / if you’re afraid to make waves
Bearded It bifurcated at the chin and it bulged at the cheeks. It certainly did look like the objects being mimed.
Childlike Periodically, I've wanted to extend my youth, / When all the magic seemed to lose its spark,
Two Hooligans Dueling With Their Respective Finger Guns Eventually the two put their finger guns away as if it had been a draw as each one backed away to different sides of the room.
Not That Story Trouble was, there was a lot of trouble. Questions I didn’t understand, even though I worked there. A month or so before, I’d run into a group of art-school people sitting together around the curve of a bar, nice people, friendly.
Shuffle There has been silence in the car for much of the hour-long drive. You have been mostly present but what is there to say. Honey, I'm sorry that I wrapped the car around a tree and for the last few weeks I've been a vegetable doesn't seem to cut it.
Expedition Passport Blood showers on hot tin roof / Cain kills Abel to / Tenth Avenue jazz band tune / Blood mingles with sidewalk / Mingles with dandelion
A Sort of Homecoming I say my goodbyes to my parents and my sister. I expect you to pat my back, but instead you pull me into a hug and I breath in the aftershave you have recently started using. I want this moment to be the start of a love story.
Subscribe I measure the rest of the time in empty envelopes / and the mechanic whirring of a fleet of slicing jaws. / There are only so many ways to spell cancel, and I’ve seen them all.
Work I walked into Mr. Pfloe’s office and sat in the chair facing his desk. I could feel his eyes on me as I smoothed my skirt over my legs.
tic tac toe there’s so many options / all of the classics are there / pong, pacman, and others / but you decide to go with / tic tac toe / (your personal favorite)
Wearing Superman's Cape A student gave me Superman’s cape, a parting gift when leaving my class. I put it on to pick my daughters up, watched it flutter a little in the wind and I guess the glasses pull together the whole Clark Kent look. The little one sucks on the corner
86 Bacon Until We Get Another Brown Marker It might only be a 20 dollar hunk of cardboard from Target, but we threw it together in about half an hour with the proper A1 flap into the proper A1 slot and with a little coloring it’s a regular food truck slinging whatever we have on tap for
Axis of Gratitude Now please move that finger from the center of my left palm to the middle of my open wrist. This was the first movement you ever did when I met you standing at the bar like Samson.
Hold Your Breath If camping seaside & reading poetry & smoking comically large cigarettes is going Le Fou count me gone
Pokémon and Other Eternal Sins I liked to think that my spontaneous combustion was due to God not liking me very much
How Would You Rate Your Pain? Almost gnat-like—this annoyance of flesh, this cicada sound between bones.
Refriendship I'm going to listen to that Neyo song, because for some reason it always makes me feel better.
Bag Lady “But we’re dog people, Qiptyn.” Bathory’s vocal fry made the statement sound whinier than it was. “Emoji deserves the best.”
Bad Movie We’d met the night before at a Meetup group for shy people. She told me she was Nigerian, just passing through, wanting to escape the punishing heat of her hometown and a family trauma.
Why I Use Self Checkout “All those injuries, man. I can’t believe all those injuries. Think they can pull it out?”
The Thing About Two-Time Freestyle Skateboard Champion Mike Osterman Is That If You Ask Him to Walk the Dog, You’ll Have Piss All Over Your House Still, you are caught in Mike Osterman’s gravitational pull, like so many others.
The Way of the Poncho Cult They want to know if Doug has a message for its devoted followers, if it’s a force of good or evil, if it has chosen Gerard as its prophet.
Uno Reverse Blue, Back 2 U It’s as if landlords looked at that vitruvian man n’ decided / that every body has a one-track-mind. The golden ratio is just ur shitty prop;
I'll Say This Then I'll Shut Up by Sean Ennis It is true that there are too many guitars in this world, all the strumming and plucking. Grace puts on Lee Montgomery or Bob blabbermouth Dylan and it’s like she’s trying to hurt my feelings. “This is American music,” she says. We’re sort of
Observations Regarding the Incarceration and Rehabilitation of Eastern State Penitentiary Prisoner Number C-98xx At the trial, the convict’s mother, who wished to retain her dignity, sat stone-faced while the court pronounced her youngest son’s fate: first-degree murder, 30 years to life.
Safety First except it was there. Injury / happened to other people, / but I never gave it much thought.
The Ghost's Leavetaking Another wood knock. Hard to tell how far away, or even from which direction. The scene is an inversion now.
Colleagues and Friends It’s the first time in three months I’ve heard so much English, and between the bull and the barbeque, I can almost mistake it for home.
Unidentified Snack-Mix, Orange and Salty (Last Seen Possibly Becoming The Christ) There was comfort in all these things, like I was placing my isolated act of snacking in my recliner, alone in a small room, into a framework of collective experience.
Lengthy Footnote Covering Unusual Disturbances at the Township Council Meeting, County Ledger Entry No. 205599428a Of course, the entire Council, as a whole, was disgusted by Mrs. Cartwagon’s obvious lack of concern for the law, but we decided to let that go so that we could hear the rest of the story.
Embodying Language A visual poem by Jill McCabe Johnson - "The body is a situation" Melissa Mathewson
The Widowmaker Tried to Kill Me, But Failed Miserably I didn’t know I’d had a heart attack until the morning after, once the stent was in and I’d had a good night’s sleep flat on my back with a weighted pillow on my upper thigh where the surgeon cut into my femoral artery.
My Stuff Out in Tucson “My Stuff Out in Tucson” is an eerie foreshadowing of the events that unfold in the writer’s forthcoming novel, Good-Bye, Lo Siento. You can follow him on Twitter at @lakemarkham for updates.
Make a Wish Grown-ups were always telling us to make a wish; when blowing out our birthday candles, when finding a four-leaf clover, when snapping the wishbone on the chicken after Sunday lunch.
Shit Hawks “Anthony, look what I found.” Tara’s kid shakes me awake. When I turn my head, particles of sand come unstuck from my face. “It’s beach glass, right?”
Ode to the Desert Cottontail Of all the animals in the Mojave Desert, the desert cottontail is among the more overlooked.
My Road Trip with Rumphous When I find Rumphous, two miles outside of town, he has devoured a family of cats and is growling at a boy and his dad, who are locked in their car, too scared to get out.
Seussical Mask, shirt, sweatshirt, pants, socks, shoes, each a different shade of black. Sheet music. Clarinet. Bass clarinet. Backup reeds and backup reeds and backup reeds. Unnecessary pencil.