Monday Afternoon

He’s a blackjack dealer / at a Niagara Falls casino.

Monday Afternoon
Photo by Keenan Constance / Unsplash

by Edward Anki

He’s white,
facial droop,
left side.

He’s a blackjack dealer
at a Niagara Falls casino.

According to his nametag
his name is Barry.

Barry’s eyes roam from his hands
(slight tremor)
to an overhead

Barry’s table

Edward Anki's poetry has appeared in BOMBFIRE, Rejection Letters, Roi Fainéant Press, The Feathertale Review, Qwerty, The Chaffin Journal, and others. A chapbook of his poetry, Remote Life, was published by BareBackPress (2014). His first full-length poetry collection, Screw Factory, was released in 2022 by Anxiety Press. A former stand-up comic, bartender, and agonized telemarketer, Edward is currently engaged in part-time studies to become a psychotherapist.

Twitter: @EAnki2
Instagram: eddieanki