About JAKE

About JAKE

JAKE is the punkest little shit you know. He doesn’t want to eat his vegetables, he doesn’t want to wake up for school, he doesn’t want to follow the established trends of what makes good literary writing good and bad literary writing bad. JAKE wants to look deep into the heart of all entropy of the universe, and do a sick kickflip over the abyss between what we know is possible and what we dream can be. JAKE is the king of bad taste, of broken forms, and broken rules. JAKE wants all of the shade of the bigger, badder mags, and he wants your funniest, strangest, or boldest words. JAKE is here to play without rules.

JAKE publishes work in most genres once per week (except poetry, who gets to double dip) at this time. He plans to read every piece that comes in within 1 month, but like the volume he publishes, it’ll be subject to change depending on the volume of incoming work.

JAKE's current long-form Fiction Editors are Inbal Gilboa and EIC Ben Shahon. They can be reached at JAKE's general email, with "Attn:Fiction" in the subject line.

JAKE's current Flash Fiction Editor is Trent Brown. He can be reached at JAKE's general email, with "Attn:Flash" in the subject line.

JAKE's current Poetry Editors are Laurel Reynolds and Heather Ann Ferrer Pulido. They can be reached at JAKE's general email, with "Attn:Poetry" in the subject line.

JAKE’s current Nonfiction Editor is A.J. Maiorana. He can be reached at JAKE's general email, with "Attn:Nonfiction" in the subject line.

JAKE's most recent Guest Editors include Katherine Schmidt and Natalie Wolf, Kaydance Rice, Elena Sichorovsky, Ash Varela, and nat raum. They can be all be reached through various channels online.

JAKE's previous Guest Editors include L.M. Cole, S.T. Brant, Frances Klein, and Elia Karra. They can be all be reached through various channels online.

JAKE's editor who has gone on to bigger and better is C.M. Green. They can be reached through various channels online.

JAKE's tech wizard is Neil French. His resident video editor and meme-lord is Ellie Anton.

All other non-submission based inquiries can be directed to [email protected]. They will be forwarded to the proper recipients.

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