Tuesday is the New Monday.

I must ask you to bear with us while the changes settle into place, I appreciate that this may take some time.

Tuesday is the New Monday.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

by Laura Cooney

Universe Council

Your Council in the World

Date    October 25 2022
Your Ref I5T5 41L FK3D


IMPORTANT- RESPONSE TO CASE 949-17-48-668-843-9335363

Dear Madam,

Tuesday is the New Monday.

Thank you for your enquiry into the new policies pertaining to Tuesday is the new Monday but I am afraid there is nothing that we can do for you at this time.

I understand how hard it must be to have a broken kettle and a flat tyre on a Tuesday morning especially on the same week that your mother has died and the baby isn’t sleeping but the Weekday Bill states very clearly that Tuesday is now in fact the new Monday. This was thought to be the best way to get people to return to work after Sunday and Monday (which is still pretty dire) and it is proving popular with The Corporation.

I must ask you to bear with us while the changes settle into place, I appreciate that this may take some time.

What to do next?

If you have any further enquiries regarding this matter please don’t hesitate to fruitlessly contact us at on the number at the bottom of this letter.

I apologise again that this letter has not provided the outcome that you were hoping for but hopefully things will seem better by Thursday, which as you know, is now the new Friday.

Yours Sincerely,

Ms Ever Day
Weekday Reorganisation Service Team - (WRST)
Universe Council

Customer Services: (+1) 8447 329 78257 (US)

Laura Cooney is from Edinburgh with published works. Her first collection is due for release in September courtesy of Backroom Poetry. Find her on Twitter, or whatever you want to call it, @lozzawriting and check out her work at www.lozzawriting.com. When she's not writing she'll be found with her daughters, close to the sea. There will be ice-cream!