
JAKE has submission guidelines, but if the work is good enough, then JAKE could give a shit what he called for:
JAKE is looking for short stories of a literary or experimental stripe, regardless of the genre, between 2000-7000 words. JAKE’s sweet spot is right in the middle at 3500, but as you can tell, he isn’t that picky with breaking the mold. JAKE doesn’t fuck with novellas or short story collections.
JAKE can appreciate a good real life story every once in a while. Send him between 2000-7000 words (but preferably around 3500), and he’ll see what he can do.
JAKE will also take your measly, little stories of 1000 words or under, attached up to three at a time in the same doc.
JAKE likes Taco Bell scraps, early 2000’s music videos, and sonnets, and he will take submissions of up to three poems totaling roughly 10 pages or less. Poetry longer than that scares him, since he doesn’t actually know how to read.
JAKE aims to respond to everything within one month of when it's sent, but often will respond within about a week. If your piece is still outstanding after 30 days, email him at [email protected].
JAKE may be a rebel to the rules, but JAKE’s not an asshole either. Any work that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, or bigoted in any other way will be rejected outright. Any author engaging with these practices will be issued a warning about it in their rejection, with a second offense meaning JAKE’ll put you on an internal DO NOT PUBLISH list. JAKE takes this shit seriously, and will not debate the extent of the offense.
Also, Fuck AI!
JAKE especially encourages BIPOC, queer, neurodiverse and/or other marginalized writers to send in work. He is excited to engage with work that deals with the marginal, provided the theming of said work does not advocate for harm. The literary weird is a place for all kinds of weird. Cowabunga!