Becoming Linda Ties that Linda’s beauty hid well. Locked away tight in the pit of her perfectly flat stomach. Eyes set like topaz jewels masking the truth. No one with skin like bronze had troubles. No, not Linda.
Ask me about my Twins We wanted a nice garden. There were schools to think about – our oldest would be starting the next year, and the baby would be going to nursery soon – she was a toddler by then but would still be called baby for some time yet.
liar, liar Once we’ve locked ourselves into the hallway bathroom—which is ridiculously nice for a frat house, what the hell—I take one look at the group and decide that our only solution is to lie our way out.
Please Now Submit an Author Photo, .JPG Preferred There’s no one here to take an unguarded photo of me biting on a hangnail while staring at the screen working out a better word for ‘broken.’
Wikipedia Speed Runs Instructions: Find a path from the beginning article to the ending article using only article links.