Sticky Note Aubade
Did you notice / how long I lingered, / my nose pressed against your neck,
The note I wrote you
was under the table
next to a dust mite
and a crumpled receipt
from the gas station
just down the road.
Did you notice
how long I lingered,
my nose pressed against your neck,
my fingers tapping out
the beats of “The Trapeze Swinger”
on the veins of your wrist?
I see you found the coffee anyway,
that you showered
before you left—
a smudged fingerprint
in the steamy film
on the bathroom mirror
the only proof
that you were here.

Jessica Sherburn is a teacher, writer, and clumsy hiker. She lives in Chicago with her two cats, Ollie and Davie. You can find her on Twitter at @JessicaSherburn.