growing up

i hate saying that out loud...

growing up
Photo by Resume Genius / Unsplash

by nat raum

i bought dress pants with the tags still attached on the internet yesterday; is this what you call evolving? i used to be “lipstick covered magnet” front bottoms and now i’m “plastic flowers” front bottoms because god there has got to be a plan for me—i refuse to believe otherwise. when i started looking for a new job, i set my twitter to private because of how googleable i am. i hate saying that out loud almost as much as i hate the fact that someone would actually google me. maybe i am actually “the plan (fuck jobs)” front bottoms because this is what i want motherfucker and i’m going to make it happen for me. please, let me wake and discover a self that is employable under late stage capitalism. i still bought edibles this morning but damn, let a gay hope for things. a job will beget more edibles. and if i work from home, i can still blast pop punk from a shitty bluetooth speaker like i would closing the restaurant when i was still a lipstick covered magnet. i walk around slouched and skeletal, on the verge of exploding. but mostly i view myself as a self starter and a creative problem solver, and i’m looking for an opportunity to make a difference through intentional marketing. if you look at my resume—

nat raum (b. 1996) is a disabled artist, writer, and genderless disaster from Baltimore, MD. They’re the editor-in-chief of fifth wheel press, as well as the author of you stupid slutthe abyss is staring backrandom access memory, and several chapbooks. Find them online: