Dialogues with a Stray Cat incidentally, I wonder if any animal could actually take residence on my patio once my sister sends her furniture over.
Miranda Cosgrove (and Carly Shay) You’re a little more into iCarly than your peers, for a lot longer than them, too. You find yourself in the iCarly fandom, reblogging posts at a rate that loses you followers.
Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III You recite his lyrics like they are a prayer, like it’s not a coincidence FOB has the same amount of letters as GOD.
Smoke When I was a kid, one of my special interests was Old Hollywood. This was my parents’ fault for allowing me exposure to the genre.
Madmartigan in the Mercedes He was like a man but not quite. He was a fictional character that vanished from my view when I pressed “stop” or “eject.” In this way, he was better than a man.