Humans Remain I care for the crematorium inside me. The British Museum drains 6,000 carnages Female dancer figure (hula position?) made of wood, pearl-shell, teeth (human?), hair.
19 Ways of Crossing the Street After the Old Guy In the Sedan Jerks to a Last-Minute Stop in the Vons Parking Lot Crosswalk and Motions for You to Pick Up the Pace, Can’t You See He Didn’t Want to Stop For You in the First Place, Lady? Imagining a possible legitimate reason for his impatience
Pigeon wearing meth-filled backpack busted at B.C. prison source:
Crybaby Ferris Sucks Baby kept costing us matches, throwing punches at opponents that missed and caught me right in the mush, tripping and accidentally hitting me with his big splash, that kind of stuff.
Theatrics I rip my mask off. Distressed, you might call my expression, if you weren’t so fucking focused on checking your goddamn phone, I am having a moment here. A figure joins me on stage. It’s just me with a megaphone, I didn’t really have time to hire someone new.