Is it still Dollar Pizza if it’s a Dollar Fifty? On Facebook people are even angrier and it’s more real, because if you’re on Facebook in 2022 you don’t care what people think of you.
Deadlines He couldn’t come up with something to say every time he ran into this guy. People expect too much when they put you on the spot and force you to think of something. It’s not that easy to come up with clever dialogue.
Guess I'm A Paper Nautilus Now This is my chance at freedom. That word is euphoric, I can't help but smile feeling the shapes into which it presses my mouth. That's why today has to be the day.
My doll watched As we slipped off their dresses and dipped them one-by-one into their pool, Barbie stared, unchanged, and I thought of when I first unboxed her, newly four, half a shelf of dolls beside the built-in closet.
The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down I wanted once before to honk my horn against the swastika that he’d drawn on the poster board he got from the Dollar General, but I had the horn’s fuse pulled as a wild experiment in radical pacifism.
Beef Case The future is a vast and scary place, the recording says. Dead ends, dead dreams, destitution. Only if you’ve been pushing yourself hard enough do you have a chance. You have ten minutes of break. Step it up.