86 Bacon Until We Get Another Brown Marker
It might only be a 20 dollar hunk of cardboard from Target,
but we threw it together in about half an hour
with the proper A1 flap into the proper A1 slot
and with a little coloring it’s a regular food truck
slinging whatever we have on tap for the day.
Yellow markers and we’ve got dripping yolk for breakfast,
red gives us some shining apples as a side
and green for some leafy lettuce or spicy jalapenos.
We’ll just have to 86 bacon
when the brown marker accidentally gets eaten.
That’s alright though
because we’ve got plenty of other food for our customers
rolling up to our window
and we’re parked in a high traffic area in the living room
with no chance of rain;
I’m hoping we're cheffin every day.

Matt McGuirk teaches and lives with his family in New Hampshire. BOTN 2021 nominee and regular contributor for Fevers of the Mind with words in online and print lit mags and his debut collection with Alien Buddha Press called Daydreams, Obsessions, Realities is on Amazon. http://linktr.ee/McGuirkMatthew Twitter: @McguirkMatthew Instagram: @mcguirk_matthew.