Dorothy Parker at the Algonquin Suitors stare across the bar, singing sonnets with their eyes, as if praying for one last deadly line.
Back to Motherland, That’s Some Otherland Let’s go back to once upon a time. Before the clarity, before the connection, before the sukoon. Let me start with the disparity of hope and despair, the heartbreak and the trauma.
The Red Ring We listened to the words of that stout man, feeling lost with context of time and space.
to avoid responsibility, i blame my father for everything instead, i wander through / these desolate streets / broken homes with broken sinks / in search of someone
Hestia is Sick of Your Shit And it’s not that she would mind except for the fact that she’s a goddess, and that heat—which she had so lovingly doted on, coaxing it from the cold stone hearth for thousands of years—doesn’t seem to be enough these days.