Uno Reverse Blue, Back 2 U

by DJ

The drapes not actually blue in this house, their yellow.
And they’ll stay yellow because I can’t afford to buy a new one.

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            I shoulda known better than to buy a studio with tile floors.

It’s as if landlords looked at that vitruvian man n’ decided
that every body has a one-track-mind. The golden ratio is just ur shitty prop;

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            I shoulda known better than to scribble a lease on 2 sets of locks.

all to make me hear-see smart. Maybe Raphael painted a pair of pears there
cause he also had the slapstick humor of confusing the shit outta coke heads.

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            I shoulda known better than to put my shoes on the table.

Never crack with round glass who think the drapes are blue for some symbolic reason.
They came with the apartment that costs my left arm and a pair of shoes. There’s your reason.

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            I shoulda known better than to put my shoes on the table.

There’s this game of Uno being spun around the kitchen table: You, ya Landlord, and the Bank.
But no matter how many hands you play, you’ll always end up with the most cards.

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            I shoulda known.

It’s DJ! They're a junior Visual Communications & Writing undergraduate at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He draws and photographs pretty pictures, but sometimes he writes nifty prose and poetry! DJ is also a graphic artist for the small magazine "White Noise Zine." You can browse some of their stuff on Instagram, @is_green on TikTok, and @it_is_green on Twitter. Please remind him to stop biting his nails!