To Marketing, To Buy A Fat Pig

by Peter Heyns

Spent so much time at work this week

That everything is business Austin
Boston marketing
Whole Foods marketing
Wakefield farmers marketing
Marketing basket

I hate to be the bearer
But the brands are out of the gas line the Browns are at it again
The branch
The brand brands are at it

Starts with the enormous bird.
Sky branding with a cursive white hot star scar
Alternatives to watch to watch to watch watch watch watch whom what, what native digit?

Keke Hernandez tell me if you know Eli
How come back so fast
How come I fat so fast
How come you fat so fast fat fat you are fat fat
Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat man Batman fat Batman Batman Batman bat so fast run so slow
but Ron Ron Ron Ron go to watch watch out runaway runaway
Run so slow?

Peter Heyns is a father of two living outside Boston, MA. After a long hiatus, he began writing poems again during quarantine, dictated with Speech-To-Text technology into his phone, mostly while hurrying somewhere.