stars too

stars too

by Willow P. Delp

“stars too / are ‘black bodies.’”

-          Kei Miller, “viii.”

i am imploring you to treat my black body – all this

unfurled brown skin and fat – like you treat

the sun itself.

you lie underneath,

hoping to gather drops of its warmth so that your skin

starts to brown like mine. let the rays bestow you with a gift

of gold, allow yourself to shimmer in the sunlight. i am imploring you

to see

beauty gleaming through the darkening scars on darker

flesh, i am imploring you to fight

the light pollution that clogs up the sky and

chokes out the bright, glowing stars. i am imploring you to

love this tender, precious


Willow Page Delp is a Jamaican-American student, writer, reader, book reviewer and feminist buzzkill. Their work has been published by The Lilac, The Indicator, News Decoder, and All Existing Literary Magazine. They can be found on Instagram at @wxddo

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