Shaun or Sean or Shawn says you're a great friend, 2006

by L.M. Cole

sunken as a memory in the ember sunset
in that small place subliminal space in your head
lives a breath against your neck a weight
pressed against your outward expenditures
every moment is one hundred heart beats
or baited breaths and futile as folding
over into yourself when you're about to
take a blow you are a sure soft landing
bed for his breath he clings to you with a fist
while the crush of his exhale says

  i can only love someone
  who will really wow people
  you know


L.M. Cole is a Pushcart Prize nominated poet residing on the US East Coast. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming with Roi Fainéant, Corporeal, JAKE, The Bitchin' Kitsch and others. She can be found on Twitter @_scoops__