
by Sarah Patterson

I saw a dead horse with his legs above
his body, crooked from all directions.
It was so sad to see those large horseshoes
dangle. Dogs I’ve seen and cats I see most.
The horse was such a surprise to me while
I drove the dry path to Alamosa.
It was so disturbing, being dead out there.
I had to stop and contemplate his corpse.
Its legs were rigid, much too rigid for
a horse of lovely stature. Very strange
I pondered, who has left you here to die?
Then something weird occurred, a voice I heard.
It came from beneath my eyes to my shock
the horse had responded to my query
“I was not left here silly human girl,
I fell.” This caught me off guard quite a bit
I leapt back from his speaking body fast.
The horse laughed loudly, “Well you did ask me.”

Sarah Patterson is originally from New Mexico currently residing in California and studying foreign language. She is the author of a small collection of poems What Color Am I? Her poems are filled with startling truths and essential questions that capture the feminine spirit. She enjoys travelling, staying active and of course writing poems in her spare moments.