Morning Walk, 10/19/14
I pass a house every morning
with walls that contain more life
than my whole outside world.
I always try to siphon some of it away
for myself, but I can’t hold it.
It shines away on the air.
I am not a good thief.
This treasure is too valuable for me.
I have taken 96 steps, and seen
half as many cans of beer, crushed
and gleaming in the grass.
Both our mouths
fill with howls, and all of our walls
shake when the elders
invite themselves back.
I think your house is bigger,
for what it's worth.
Maybe we are both structurally unsound.
When I stood at the top of this hill a month ago,
I loomed long down its slopes.
I’m at the bottom now,
and not much has changed.
The earth shrank as I did. You’re
still all the way up there, holding
my perspective hostage.
I’m sure I had plenty of time
while I was walking down Walnut Street,
but there was new graffiti under the bridge
and new colors in the trees
and I got completely lost
in how things of great beauty
imitate each other.
Maybe I am a good thief.
I do not test this hypothesis
while shopping for groceries.
I tried to capture some light
from a squirrel without a tail.
I thought you would like to study its bones,
even at a distance, to reconstruct it
as much as it would let you.
What will the people
who rumor our memories into form
assume that we were born with?
My backpack is large with supplies
to survive a long winter.
It alternates between carrying
food and carrying books. I never
know which is waiting, but
when the snow falls, wherever I am trapped,
I will reach past its bared teeth
and hope to find your hands
handing me those riches.
I will give them back.
We can share.
The sign on the bar I pass on the way home
says “OPEN EARLY.”
It has been closed for seven weeks.
T!K! Williams is a poet living in Bloomington, Indiana. She doesn't live on that side of the city any more, but the deer keep her up to date on all the good gossip. Her other work can be found in Mania Magazine, Ink & Ivy Lit, Vial of Bones, and DOG TEETH LIT.