It Girl Corpse: Or, I Cut up the National Enquirer and Turned It Into Shitty Poetry

by Lizzy Sparks

poor teen girls    LET US HELP YOU ......
    fleshy DIRTY    daughters  —
       DOWNLOAD NOW! be  a    teen pinup
          ......  body and beauty to die for,
            Photo, please.
               Download    DOWNLOAD
                  subscription-only adult website
                     Follow us
                        Age is just a number, babe

social media     BRIDE      ......
   Love At First Like
      FIND TRUE LOVE     talk about sex

   WHO AM I?
      WHO AM I:
         pretty, blonde,
                   American   ....
                      normal    TV    teen

My   internet   husband   hurts  .....
          trafficking girls      ,
             pictures   of himself holding their corpses
                 on OnlyFans  ........   Scan to shop
                   MONEY NOW

             Continue working this way until
                     Happily ever after,
                        Restrictions apply.

Lizzy Sparks is an English and creative writing major at Ohio State, where she has recently read for the annual Non/Fiction Prize. Her work appears in Sheepshead Review and is forthcoming in Mantis and Outrageous Fortune.