Hold Me to Your Ground (Metalloid Maniac x Reader Fanfiction)

by Jenna Jaco

Tags: Metalloid Maniac (TV - Cartoon); Metalloid Maniac (TV - Game Show); Metalloid Maniac; Metalloid Maniac/Reader; Hurt/Comfort; Light Dom/Sub; Bottom Reader; Vers Metalloid Maniac; The Wall; Crying; Bird Abduction

You are pinned to a panel

(to the panel with the pink

dot on the wall that he built


From the galaxy smears

he zips up to you, stoic.

“[Y/N], you are so beautiful, and I

am so worried.

They are making my wall,

my life, my ground, into

a game. A game people

will play and spy on. And

most horrifically, darling–

The game that will be

will not be my ground.

And I did not build it.”

He sheds now a silicon tear.

It drips, glosses up his big

left pec. He is so strong!

And so sad.

“I am sure they will figure it out,”

you say. “I can help!

Let me down from your wall

(which is your ground)

and put me on the ground

(which is my ground,

and maybe yours as well,

or could be, one day).”

“Thank you, [Y/N],” he says,

voice thick as his right pec,

which is as big as his left,

“but I do not want to.”

You nod. You know he must

not break the physics. He

is not cruel but requires

a frictionless zoomin’.

In another life he would clunk

and drudge. He would not

be impressive. Here

you suspend each other.

Here he is full of grace!

Pinned to your panel

on the wall that he built

you crane your neck all directions,

watch him zip and zap

and pirouette (as the wall

is his ground) until the

birds nip you away.

Jenna Jaco (they/she) is a poet and technical writer from Texas. They are the author of Mall Water (Kith Books, 2024). She has had poems published in Ghost City Review, Peach Mag, Foglifter, and elsewhere, and writes unmarketable content at Cherub Microplastics.