Bramble Visitor's Guide

by Sean Ennis

Bramble Light, Gas and Water. Bramble Cable and Cellular. The Bramble Prowlers (Go Prowlers!). Bramble’s feral cat problem. Bramble’s tourism tax (0%). Bramble’s Directors in the Dark. Bramble’s Applebee’s (the last in the state). Bramble’s independent bookstore and coffee shop. Bramble’s warm, yellow grass. Bramble’s Seven Elevations of the Merge Church. Bramble’s brief outbreak of Strangles in the horse, donkey and pony population. The Bramble bait and switch. The Bramble loophole. The Bramble flea flicker. Bramble-style barbecue sauce. The Bramble animal shelter (volunteers needed). The Bramble tobacco superstore. Bramble’s own Jeffrey Dahmer. Bramble’s own Helen Keller. Bramble’s own Idris Elba. Bramble’s warm, yellow grass. The Bramble anti-graffiti coalition. The Bramble Henge. The Bramble public soundbaths. Bramble’s sacred composting ritual. Bramble PD. Bramble FD. Bramble EMTs. Bramble CBD. Bramble’s Directors in the Dark. The Bramble Blizzard of ‘96, the Bramble Tornado of ‘15, the Bramble Wildfire of ‘21. Bramble’s warm, yellow grass.

Sean Ennis is the author of Cunning, Baffling, Powerful (Thirty West). More pieces from this project have appeared in Flash Boulevard, New World Writing, and Bruiser. More of his work can be found at