Boy Crazy: The Reboot
heyy make me a Spotify playlist and
wormhole us back to
mixtape click in the boombox
telephone cord pinched under the closet door
a skate rink bathroom
where I do eyeliner, tall on wheels
eat hot pretzel, roll out to hold your
hot hand, hardwoods trembling our legs
stolen cigarettes, sticky parking lot
flattened Pixy Stix on pavement
my face in the side mirror
fast-food napkin from Melissa’s glovebox
wiping wet eyeliner streaksfrom my cheeks
Jessie Lovett is originally from western New York and currently teaches English at North Platte Community College in western Nebraska, where the parking lot hosts tumbleweeds and a popular semi-truck driving class. Her recent work appears in Pithead Chapel, Maudlin House, Los Angeles Review, Best Small Fictions (2022), and Milk Candy Review. @jesslovettallen