
by Chris Bullard

Selected by L.M. Cole

No rehab for you,
our favorite
sassy drunk druggie
tatted-up art gurl.

The bourgeois
adores the anti-bourgeois.
Your grief
is their karaoke.

on the red carpet -
they’re entertained
on their sofas.

Die a hundred times.
They think
you’re doing it
just for them.

Chris Bullard lives in Philadelphia. He received his B.A. in English from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.F.A. from Wilkes University. Grey Book Press published Continued, a poetry chapbook, in 2020 and Moonstone Press recently published Going Peaceably to the Obsidian Knife, his chapbook of environmentally themed poetry. His work has appeared in recent issues of Nimrod, Muse/A Journal, The Woven Tale, Red Coyote, Cutthroat and The Offbeat.